What I find hilarious about Spiral Dynamics is that the proponents of the theory never really engaged with their own content, if they had they would have recognised the flaws and addressed them. In principle the work of Graves and Beck should be a sound evaluation of human development throughout society, but like many pioneers they were blinded by their own personal belief systems and failed to apply their system to the wider biological world. Revised Spiral Dynamics according to Biscuits_Box. Level 1 - Personal selfishness: This is the fulfillment of our basic Maslow needs; Food, water, shelter, etc. "This is mine" Level 2 - Familial selfishness: The fulfillment of our secondary needs; compassion, recognition, safety. "This is ours" Level 3 - Tribal selfishness: The fulfillment of specific group societal expectations. "You are welcome if..." Level 4 - Belief selfishness: Our first humanistic trait and shame based; Primarily gatekeeping due to bias; relig...
Welcome to another 'challenge your reality' rant. The Reality Teach to test mentally has become so intrinsically intertwined with adherence to National Curriculum that teachers of Mathematics have become institutionalised from the outset of their teaching careers. The Reasoning It is not their fault, my wife is included in this number and has been teaching secondary Mathematics for 25 years if we include her PGCE placements. However, for myself as a person diagnosed with ADHD, maths has always been a beautiful and wonderfully complex world of discovery, a view that was shared by Pythagoras who built a complete religion around it. In comparison, my own secondary schooling, centred around the new National Curriculum Standards (yes, I'm that old), crippled that passion in me for years until I finally got the opportunity to teach myself. Yes, mathematics is the verifiable aspect of science, the rules and the regulations, but it is also art. It is why STEM became STEAM in...