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Who is school for? The Teacher?

Question: Are schools child centric or adult centric?

In the majority of primary schools I've visited I would agree that they are child centric, unfortunately most secondary schools are adult centric.

What does this mean?

Let's start with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and let's forget the triangle immediately.  Maslow's ideas are not new, in fact they are lifted directly from the tenets of the native American tribes he worked with. Is it appropriation? Quite definitely, but credit where it's due, espousing a progressive social stance in the midst of communist persecution in America was a pretty ballsy move.

Tier 1

I am secure

Access to food, clean water, clothing and shelter are basic physical needs. A stranger to a native American camp would be offered these simple necessities as a courtesy for simply being human, the same applies in Moari culture. 

For the kids in our classroom our observations are their safeguarding and why we do the training every year. 

For the homeless person on the street its asking if they need anything and offering a meal deal or fresh clothes from a charity shop instead of dropping cash. 

Tier 2

I am safe

Somewhere to leave possessions with minimal danger of theft, Somewhere to be comfortable and protected from the threat of violence, Somewhere to wash themselves and clean clothes, Somewhere to call home.  

Our basic safeguarding duty is to be vigilant for anything that means the children in our care are not safe and secure.

Tier 3

I am loved

Unconditional Positive Regard, it is all it means. Treat all your students with dignity and, most importantly, as children.  They are not mini-adults regardless of physical stature, they are children with a child’s emotional intelligence. Their outbursts are usually the result of internalised angst, rather than the external stimuli they are directing their anger towards. Let your students know you will always be there for them no matter what.

The hardest role I have ever had in my life was supporting a student who had been coerced into working for a grooming gang. Everyone knew what was happening, but very few would recognise he was a victim too.

Me showing unconditional positive regard meant at least for a few hours each day he got to be a kid and didn't have to worry about being berated, beaten or stabbed.

Someone asked me at the time "how could you work with him?" and my reply was simple, "I have no choice, I am the only light he has at the moment."

Tier 4

I am respected

Respect is a mutual resource. 

Respect is intrinsically linked to responsibility. 

Be clear on expectations around responsibilities, both yours and your students, and for goodness sake hand over basic responsibilities like book and equipment monitoring. The rewards are immediate and democratic leadership is proven to be the most effective form of management structure.

Tier 5

I am me

When you have a child in front of you who feels Safe, Secure, Loved and Respected, you have a child who is capable of learning both about themselves and the subject you are teaching.

The Alterable Variables 

Here they are as simple as they should be obvious.

1. Stop being adultcentric, as much as it feels like it sometimes it is never about you. Lose the shame.

2. Plan for the lesson, prepare for pastoral.

3. Be aware. Evaluate your students during the starter, what are their needs today?

4. Be vigilant and follow up on concerns

5. Prioritise welfare over academic, students at Tiers 1-3 are not in a position to learn anyway.

All the best

Rich T


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